Some images that I found on an old CD:
Frank’s Island, off the coast of Tofino
the moon doth with delight…
wow… awesome shots!
These photographs show architectural density in Hong Kong! Very impressive images here. Incredible!
Sleepy Monday afternoon….
Here are a few shots from the neighbourhood and some of the things that I have eaten over the past few days! All of these shots are done with my new Olympus 60mm.
remember that pie that I mentioned?
… and coffee!
and at 1:1!
Glasswing Butterflies
Beautiful macro shots of glass wing butterflies here! Wow! These are spectacular! This is why I am quickly falling in love with macro!
And more…
I love this lens! and no, these are not crops! It’s the lens set at 1:1. The dial on the lens is a little clumsy! It will take some getting used to!
More close ups with the Olympus 60mm
I’m having a really nice and quiet day so I decided to take some photos of a Japanese ceramic. I love the colorations and the texture!
Quiet Friday morning photos: the 60mm for architecture
Nice morning to take photos! Thankfully my neighbourhood has quieted with the egress of the student hoards for the holiday. I put my shoes on, grabbed my sunglasses, and went out for some shots. No nature or anything to really use the macro, and the flower cart that I was depending on in the Market was not yet open! It was really nice to be outside with the sun and although cool out, it is shaping up to be a nice spring-like day! Not many cars either, so you can actually hear the birds!
These were fully automatic shots since I was lazy, I did look for lots of range in the images but the light was quite harsh. It has been a while since the sun has been out! This 60mm is really nice! I really cannot wait for the opportunity to really use the macro and also use this as a portrait lens… I think that is where this lens really shines… for architecture, I’ll stick with my Tokina 11-16mm.
I love these photo-comparisons!
I’m not sure if I have linked to that page showing Ottawa Now and Then photos that allow you to “slide” the old and new images, taken from the same vantage point. I tried googling it but I didn’t find it right away so I’ll do that later!
Here is one from Paris with photos from 1900-2013! Sometimes the only difference is the fashion!