One of my favorite series to watch on TV right now is the Breaking Bad prequel Better Call Saul. Here is a great article on the use of dramatic lighting in the show and how the show borrows techniques of Caravaggio and other painterly techniques such as chiaroscuro to enhance the overall tone of the show.
Really? Nothing since December?
I feel really out of the loop and do promise to spend more time putting together ore posts. My two photo books are done, the first has arrived and the second is on its way. Each are 240 pages from Blurb, hardcover with the Pearl Paper. i used the Lightroom plugin for Blurb and it was easier than i thought from a workflow perspective. More to come about that.
I did, however, feel inspired to write a post about the occupation of the Central Building at the University of Amsterdam. Seems students are upset at the growing commodification of this university and education in general. The students foolishly believe that there are noble paths in pursuit of knowledge and that, say, art history is at least as valuable as a degree in business administration. This isn’t to suggest the irrelevancy of the latter; rather, that the former should be accorded the same respect.
More here in Dutch.
And Google Translate into English.
God speed!
What do the Bloods, the Crips, and ISIS (ISIL?) have in common
From wikipedia: Blood sets on the East Coast are often seen as affiliated with the United Blood Nation, a gang which originated in Rikers Island. The United Blood Nation, simply called the Bloods, formed in 1993, within the New York City jail system on Rikers Island’s GMDC (George Mochen Detention Center), sometimes called C 73. GMDC was used to segregate problem inmates from the rest of the detention center. Prior to this time period, the Latin Kings were the most prevalent and organized gang in the NYC jail system.
From The Guardian today here. This article discusses how ISIL was formed in Camp Bucca, a US “prison” in Iraq.
I found the parallel disturbing, my first thought echoed Dostoyevski: The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.
my anti-Black Friday thread
really? this is modern capitalism?
Here are a few links to great articles challenging this ridiculous consumer frenzy also known as “reducing inventory” day.
From Dissent, a discussion of Ferguson protests and of WalMarts labour practices and the forcing of people to work on Thanksgiving here.
From The New Inquiry an amazing infographic on consumption patterns here.
And the best article if you just read one: Guy Rundel’s excellent article on the semiotics of Black Friday in Jacobin here.
My selfie at the Vatican museum.
Naropa Online: Beat and Beyond
Naropa University presents its complete audio collection online in a searchable format. There is a wealth of Beat Poetry for those so inclined. The collection of audio recordings also include, among other things, lectures on Beat by luminaries such as Ginsburg, lectures on jazz and experimental writing from the era.
As a young man I read On the Road and this travelogue was one inspiration for my wanderlust.
Great stuff at the Internet Archives.
Ceilings, nothing more than ceilings
Hot yoga, and the Return to Work
I have tried very hard not to look at any of my camera photos. But after a really good hot yoga class, I took a look to confirm the import of all 14k images. I also backed up all of my iPhone photos and videos. I created a new catalog on a new drive that I picked up for just this purpose and brought everything into Lightroom. Here are just a few from the Nikon D300 with the Tokina 11-16mm.
I am still very jet lagged, and although I will go in to the gym and office tomorrow, trying to get back to my regular schedule, Im not sure how long I can last!
Santa Eustachio coffee and top list
I brought back some coffee beans from Rome. Sant Eustachio has the best coffee that comes already sugared. It is rich and syrupy and awesome. The shop smelled like you were inside of a well used coffee bean grinder. And when I opened my suitcase, it reeked sweetly of coffee.
I think I want to get married in that shop 🙂
I had an espresso there almost each day in Rome. It was such a treat to alternate between there and some of the other amazing places near the Pantheon to get my pick me up.
So this morning (er, afternoon to me) I decided to grind myself some coffee and I polished up my espresso machine for the occasion 🙂
Italy best of:
Rome: coffee, food, and water. Water from the street fountains is the best.
Montipulciano: wine and wild boar. Did I mention the wine and boar,
Pienza: d’uh pecorino cheese and the sunrise
Siena: the view from everywhere and the Duomo
Florence: food, leather, and food. Did I mention the food?
Venice: the view and the seafood.
First leg of my flight is good so far….
I’m unconvinced that SwissAir is any good after the flight in from Montreal (smallest seats ever with annoying passenger behind me) but the flight from Rome to Zurich was great, really good service an great legroom on the A320.
I requested a seat upgrade and got one. Fingers crossed.
If all goes well I will happily send another email to SwissAir.
Here are a few from the trip.
Sorry about the ordering but the last one, that’s Pisa in the distance 🙂
@Lindy – Flying over the alps was fantastic, just like you said!