A stunning piece of house art from Connecticut here. More details here.
Bruce Lee playing Ping Pong
I grew up watching Bruce Lee films, astonished by the speed and skill of the Master. Only Jet Li comes close in terms of speed and style. I found this clip of Bruce Lee playing ping pong with numchucks. Impressive.
fake… I’m so gullible to these internet virii.
First long weekend of the summer
Here is a smattering of images from the weekend. I really enjoyed myself although I only kayaked once due to rather inclement weather; however, I did take a few long day trips into the nooks and crannies around the Bay. I found great little areas, off the beaten path. The wildlife was great and there were many opportunities to take great images!
All but the macro images taken with an Olympus 60mm were taken with the Panasonic 100-300mm. The long telephoto is an effort to focus at the long end, but I am getting more proficient.
Goblin shark
Amazing footage of the rare goblin shark here. Check out how its jaw extends like an Alien when attacking.
Exploding Whales
It is a thing now, these bloated whales.
The office was abuzz today with the CBC news story about the bloated whale washed up in NewFoundland. Not to be outdone, The Atlantic has a brief history of exploding whales, with video here.
Phantom Copter
I am quite excited about getting a Quadcopter and GoPro for kayaking and other things this summer. Philip Bloom does a great review and commentary here. This is part 1 of 3. The videos at the bottom of the page are quite nice.
1000 Years of European History
Maps plus time lapse! Hell yeah!
A time lapse showing the various borders of the various states and other entities in the past 1000 year here.
Mitakon + Tokina 11-16mm
Here is a Jehovah Witness video designed to teach deaf children not to masterbate. It is dubbed with a 50 cent track.
Nikon 50mm f1.4 and Tokina 11-16 f2.8 with Mitakon lens booster
It was really bright this afternoon so I decided to see if I could replicate the “blue spot” that has been reported using this Mitakon lens adaptor. On a very bright brick wall at f1.4 it was quite apparent but I didn’t realize it until I uploaded the images to review. It isn’t in other images at f4 and above. A little tricky to use but I enjoyed myself! The only issue is what to shoot at approx. 71mm. So here are a few images from earlier today including a crop to show the moon.
You can see the blue dot clearly at 11mm in the bottom two images taken with the Tokina, especially in the crop… It appears that, for the Tokina, when the lens is wide open there is no blue dot. In the 50mm, the opposite is true! When I stop down the aperture, the dot disappears!
I did, however, open the lens up manually (the adapter doesn’t have aperture control) but that works fine. I will re-test this in the sunlight and revisit this issue since I really want to use this lens and adapter for architecture while travelling.