Unripe tomatoes and other herbs from my garden

It is so hot and humid this long Canada Day weekend. I did find the energy to shoot some macro photos with my Olympus 60mm before I water my planter boxes in the back yard. My basil is starting to flower but the mint is thriving. 

Flowers from the front yard

The weather has been fantastic for my planter boxes. The sun was bright this morning and some new flowers are blooming.

These are with my Olympus 60mm and Panasonic GX-8.

More London 

Brick Lane was great for graffiti and saw some work by Space Invader and the street sign guy – have photos of his work from Paris, Rome and Florence. He sells tshirts and prints at his shop in Florence. I saw the shop but it was closed, across the Arno on the way up to Michelangelo overlook. I digress. Skateboard park was great along the South bank, as was my taco.

Some photos from the recent months

The deer below are from Norway Bay, below are London from last month. And while the diesel smell wasn’t ideal, London’s art galleries, architecture and food were outstanding. I kept popping in to the National Gallery to admire the Crivelli and Fiorentino paintings. The Tate Britan had an amazing show with paintings from post war Britain focused on representations of the human body called Human, All too Human that i found fascinating. The Turners as well at both. 

I was most pleased to see the Kusama’s at the Tate Modern and loved the Tacita Dean exhibit(s). And the curry! 

Iceland misc

So my ipad2 is struggling with photo posts like this one. I think it may soon become just a reading tablet. I have  been thinking of upgrading my desktop but think that perhaps I should upgrade to a new large iPad Pro first since I would enjoy editing with a pen on a tablet. It seems that iOS 11 will allow RAW import so I would shoot, import from SD card to Lightroom on my laptop and the export culled collection back to SD card for import into Lightroom mobile then Affinity on the iPad Pro for edits. A file manager app can take care of the transfer but perhaps a wifi transfer back in to collection for storage and backup. I am continuing to explore this option so more later!